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Payments Pulse

Payments Pulse
The Clearing House
Payments Pulse

Industry News & Resources

Faster Payments Market Readiness Brief

Source: Federal Reserve

Business Email Compromise Top Cybercrime

Source: Nacha

It’s Prime Time for Real-Time (infographic)

Source: ACI Worldwide on LinkedIn

ACH Operations Bulletin #2-2021
UPDATE: Risk Management and Monitoring of Micro-Entries

Source: Nacha

2021 & 2022 ACH Operating Rules Effective Dates

Source: Nacha

Guidance on Authentication and Access to FI Services and Systems

Source: FFIEC Press Release

We Get Questions...

Q and A
Q.)   A verbal stop payment is valid for 14 days, unless we receive a written confirmation from the member. On a check, written confirmation is valid for six months; isn’t it the same for a one-time ACH debit? If account holder wants to permanently stop an ACH item, how long do we have to keep the stop payment on our system? Two years has been our policy in the past.
A.)    The duration of a stop payment order confirmed in writing depends on whether it is for a debit to a consumer or non-consumer account. For debits to a consumer account, the Nacha Rules require the order to remain in place until the earlier of (i) the withdrawal of the stop payment order by the consumer, or (ii) the return of the debit entry (or for multiple debit entries relating to a specific authorization, the return of all such debit entries). In addition to the Nacha Rules, Regulation E contains stop payment requirements for recurring debits to consumer accounts. Comment 1005.10(c)-1 to Regulation E states that “[t]he financial institution must honor an oral stop-payment order made at least three business days before a scheduled debit. If the debit item is resubmitted, the institution must continue to honor the stop-payment order (for example, by suspending all subsequent payments to the payee-originator until the consumer notifies the institution that payments should resume).” For debits to non-consumer accounts, the Nacha Rules require a stop payment order to remain in effect until the earliest of (i) the withdrawal of the stop payment order by the Receiver, (ii) the return of the debit Entry, or (iii) 6 months from the date of the stop payment order, unless it is renewed in writing. (Note that Nacha recently released a rules ballot (8-2021) to clarify that an RDFI may at its discretion establish a longer effective period for a stop payment on an entry to a non-consumer account if it chooses.) (2021 ACH Rule Book, page OR51, RDFI Obligation to Stop Payment, Subsection 3.7)
Have a question for TCHPA? Call 800-875-2242 (choose option 3) or email

ACH Audit Resources – New!

Looking for guidance when performing your annual ACH Audit? These new audience-specific resources were developed for small and medium-sized organizations with limited experience conducting ACH Audits.

Choose the All-in-One Resource that's right for you:

Nacha Rule Change Spotlight: Meaningful Modernization

New TCHPA On-Demand Webinar! ACH Rule changes that go into effect September 17, 2021 are meant to improve and simplify the ACH user experience. This recorded session addresses the changes and includes a discussion on impacts and considerations.

  • Standing Authorizations
  • Oral Authorizations
  • Other Authorization Proposals
  • Alternative to Proof of Authorization
  • WSUD via Electronic or Oral Communications

​Order Now!

2020 ACH Rules

RTP Rules and Legal Framework

The Clearing House recently released two new educational videos relating to RTP Rules and Legal Framework. Part 1 covers RTP Agreements, Introduction to the RTP Rules, and General Participant Responsibilities. Part 2 covers Key Sending Participant Obligations, Funding and Settlement, Key Receiving Participant Obligations, Requests for Return of Funds, Error Resolution, Fraud Reporting, and Requests for Payment. TCHPA members are encouraged to consume these videos and share them with others within your organization.

Visit the RTP Page on The Clearing House website to view.

Payments Education

September Webinars


APRP Recognition Day Virtual Alliance Meeting
(Invitation Only for Accredited Payments Risk Professionals)


ACH Reversals


Electronically Created Items (ECIs)


Payments Pulse Check


Treasury Management: Considerations for New Payments Products

Visit TCHPA’s Payments Education page and choose from more than 80 topics (live and on-demand)!

Member Support

Remember, when you need support from The Clearing House Payments Authority (TCHPA), you can reach our Member Services staff directly by calling 800-875-2242 and choosing option 3, or by emailing Although our staff is working remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re still available to provide the support you need in a timely manner!

Professionals in every trade have an association they rely on for industry expertise, support and resources. We're the Association for Payments People.

Copyright © 2021 The Clearing House Payments Company L.L.C.
115 Business Park Dr.
Winston-Salem, NC 27107
United States

The Clearing House
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