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TCH Annual Conference

TCH Annual Conference

Steve Cree

Steve Cree manages the ECCHO Rules and their governance. In this capacity, he oversees the ECCHO Business Committee, ECCHO Operations Committee, Exceptions & Fraud Working Group and the ECCHO Legal Work Group. Mr. Cree began his Item Processing career in 1983. Prior to joining The Clearing House he was Director of Items Processing in the Technology Advancement Group of Umpqua Bank. During his approximately 24 years at the bank, he held responsibilities for: IT Operations, Item Processing Operations, Returns, Research, Adjustments, GL Reconciliations, Exceptions, Non-Post, Credit Card Payment Processing, Lockbox and Enterprise Automation.

Prior to joining the bank, Mr. Cree was President of Credit Union Support Services and Account Executive with Burroughs/Unisys. In addition to participating in numerous industry committees, he has held leadership roles within the industry including: Chair, Viewpointe Users Group; Chair, NCHA/Payments Nation Image Committee; Vice Chair, Endpoint Exchange Advisory Counsel; President - Advanced Financial Solutions National Users Group; Chair of Spokane Clearing House.