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Corporate Payments Education

Fraud Prevention Webinars (Courses listed in recommended order)

Corporate Essentials: Account Reconcilement Considerations

On Demand

Understand return timeframe requirements and how to put your company in the best position to be proactive in dealing with fraud and errors. 

Fraud Mitigation Series: Fraud State of the Union

On Demand

Join us for an insightful session that explores the current state of fraud and discusses the latest trends

Fraud Mitigation Series: Understanding & Handling Push Payment Fraud

On Demand

Join us as we discuss how authorized push payment fraud works and how to utilize proactive strategies.

Fraud Mitigation Series: Business Email Compromise - Don't Get Tricked

On Demand

Listen in as we break down the key strategies used by attackers including email spoofing, impersonation, and manipulation. 

Fraud Mitigation Series: IRS or Imposters- Steps to Identifying Tax Fraud


Join us as we discuss how to spot red flags from IRS communications that could indicate the communication may be fraud