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  • Greg Baer Named President of The Clearing House Association

    The Clearing House (TCH) announced that Greg Baer will become President of The Clearing House Association.  Greg comes to The Clearing House with more than two decades of experience in law and regulation in both the public and private sectors.  In his new capacity as President, Greg will lead the Association’s analytical, litigation and advocacy work.  Greg will also serve as General Counsel of The Clearing House Payments Company, where he will oversee the legal, compliance and litigation functions for the organization’s payments business.  He will start on October 5 and he will maintain offices in both the Clearing House’s Washington, D.C. office and New York headquarters.  

  • The Clearing House Comments on the 5th Anniversary of the Dodd-Frank Act

    The strengthened resiliency of our banking system reflects not only the substantial changes made by the Dodd-Frank Act and elsewhere to how banks are regulated, but also the significant steps that banks have taken on their own to strengthen their balance sheets and improve their internal risk management processes.

  • The Clearing House Reacts to the Federal Reserve’s GSIB Surcharge Rule

    In his statement, The Clearing House CEO Jim Aramanda noted that  although the final rule appears to include some improvements to the proposal, The Clearing House (TCH) remains concerned that the final rule failed to address a number of significant flaws identified in our comment letter. These remaining flaws will have meaningful and negative consequences, especially for the robustness and liquidity of markets served by activities disproportionately impacted by the final rule, and will result in adverse impacts to customers and the real economy.

  • The Clearing House Welcomes Release of CFPB’s Consumer Protection Principles for Faster Payment Systems

    The Clearing House (TCH) welcomed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) release of its “Consumer Protection Principles” for faster payment systems. TCH agrees with the CFPB’s views on the importance of protecting consumers that use faster payments, and strongly supports making consumers’ interests a key consideration as the industry works to build a new real-time payment system.

  • TCH Publishes Updated Guiding Principles on Enhancing U.S. Banks’ Corporate Governance

    The Clearing House Association (TCH) released its updated Guiding Principles for Enhancing U.S. Banking Organization Corporate Governance (Governance Principles). TCH’s Governance Principles aim to help provide a framework for bank corporate governance that seeks to facilitate more effective board oversight, enhance bank safety and soundness, promote confidence in banks and encourage consistent supervisory guidance. 

  • The Clearing House Reiterates Support for NACHA Same Day ACH Settlement

    The Clearing House (TCH) welcomed passage of NACHA’s – The Electronic Payments Association –  same-day ACH settlement ballot. Together with today's already efficient ACH, same day ACH and real-time payments will provide distinct payment options for customers by enabling them to choose the speed and features required for their payments.

  • The Clearing House Calls for Comprehensive Cyber Threat Information-Sharing Legislation at House Financial Services Subcommittee Hearing

    The Clearing House’s (TCH) Chief Risk Officer Russell Fitzgibbons stressed the importance of continued improvement in collaboration between the private sector and the government in combating cyberattacks and emphasized the need for comprehensive cyber threat information-sharing legislation at a House Financial Services subcommittee hearing on protecting critical financial services infrastructure. 

  • The Clearing House Lauds House Passage of Critically Important Cyber Security Bills

    The Protecting Cyber Networks Act (H.R. 1560) and the National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act (H.R. 1731), will help better protect Americans’ sensitive personal information by facilitating more effective information sharing between the government and private sector which is critical to detecting and preventing cybercrime. The Clearing House is, however, disappointed that the House adopted amendments to both bills that will require them to sunset in seven years. These threats will not sunset and we need to ensure certainty and consistency for the long term. 

  • Financial Industry Associations Submit Comment Letter on Proposed Capital Surcharge for U.S. GSIBs

    The Clearing House Association (TCH), joined by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) and the Financial Services Roundtable (FSR), filed a comment letter with the Federal Reserve in response to its proposal to impose an additional capital surcharge requirement on U.S. global systemically important bank holding companies suggesting that the proposal be revised to better reflect the actual systemic risk posed by U.S. G-SIBs.

  • TCH Provides Recommendations to Basel Committee on its Proposed Revisions to the Standardized Approach for Credit Risk and Capital Floors

    In a comment letter filed with the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in response to its “Revisions to the Standardized Approach for Credit Risk and Capital Floors: The Design of a Framework Based on Standardized Approaches” The Clearing House identifies areas where the Proposals should be modified to better achieve the Committee’s stated objectives of making the Standardized Approach more risk-sensitive, reducing reliance on external credit ratings and strengthening the comparability of risk-weighted asset calculations across jurisdictions.

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